
 See bottom of post for Monday Mantra.

Goodbye, September. You have always been one of my favorites. Each year you evoke a longing for the sound of the grinding crank of a manual pencil sharpener, a reminiscing for the smell of old textbook glue, and the envisioning of myself in some new plaid something.
Similar to My Childhood Dress

I remember a plaid skirt I had sometime before grade three. I think I remember it had shoulder strap-like suspenders but maybe not. 

I had a plaid dress with elastic at the cuffs It was a pretty plaid--largely white background.

My most treasured plaid memories are all the flannel shirts that have been in and out of my life. When I married my husband, he must have had eight or ten of them. He enjoyed downhill skiing, and we both wore them on trips to the mountains. My fabric stash has plaids all through it. In fact, I came a cross a plaid hearts quilt my mother started some time ago. I should get that out and get to work on it this winter.

Looks Like Me, Yes?
Monday Mantra: Blanket yourself with the warm love of family and friends.

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