1.28.15--BLAST FROM THE PAST with music by Wagner - Die Walküre: "The Ride of the Valkyries" (Boulez)

A couple of years back, I wrote this post about an upcoming trip to Florida. I meant to take very good care of my FOUNDATION GARMENTS, but, well, you know, I don't like hand washing the unmentionables because I am, well, you know, lazy. 

This time, I promise to wear my upper body under armor into the shower, wash gently with shampoo and rinse well, hang dry. For at least the first four months. So if you wonder what I am doing today, I am doing battle. Cue the music, maestro.

The following is from a post about two years ago, when I was on a trip to Florida. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
"...it is time to buy underwear

In fact, in a remark to QuiltyFriend (the Original) I said that I would rather have a mammogram.  I have asked/stated to my accompanying family that I will require an afternoon at a REAL MALL to accomplish this mission and I wish to do so ALONE with NO ONE waiting for me.  Surely I would have taken care of this little task locally if not for the fact that I would have had to drive to Atlanta or Chattanooga to find what I require. 
"The Iron Maiden has an embrace anyone would want to avoid. Once inside the Iron Maiden’s conical frame, you’re unable to move because of dozens of steel points stabbing from every direction. An interrogator screams questions at you through a small hole, while poking you with jagged edges, or just leaving you for hours to stew in your thoughts."
 ~~ The Web Urbanist

Do you think you will miss me and wish you could be with me on my shopping trip? Then check THIS out: You can download your own torture device COLORING BOOK! It is the next best thing to being there.
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